5 Tips for Dealing with Loss & Overcoming Grief

5 Tips for Dealing with Loss & Overcoming Grief in Michigan

Most of us will face dealing with loss multiple times throughout our lives. Overcoming grief is often associated with the death of a loved one or loss of a partner through breakup or divorce. But other losses can cause grieving as well. Loss of a meaningful job, having a child develop a life-changing disability, or moving away can profoundly affect your life and cause grief.

As difficult as it may seem when dealing with loss, overcoming grief is possible. Grief counseling in Michigan can support and show you how to overcome the loss. The following tips will also help you through the process of overcoming grief.

How to move past grief

  1.  Accept your feelings. There are no right or wrong feelings when dealing with loss. Grieving can bring about a myriad of emotions, which is a normal response and part of the healing process. The alternative is to deny or bury your feelings. Neither of these is healthy because subconsciously, those feelings will remain. As a result, unresolved grief can crop up down the road and in other areas of your life, and undermine your happiness, well-being, and relationships. So accept your feelings and allow yourself to experience them fully. Doing so will help you to process and work through your emotions and begin to heal.
  2. Practice self-care. When dealing with loss, it’s easy to put taking care of yourself on the back burner. You may not feel like cooking healthy meals and be too fatigued to exercise. You may let doctor appointments slip. The last thing you may care about is how you look. As a result, you look and feel less healthy, which only serves to fuel your sadness and grief. No matter how down you may feel, prioritize self-care. Make a special effort to eat healthily, get daily exercise, and take time for grooming.
  3. Take advantage of your support system. In overcoming grief, it’s essential to lean on family and friends. When dealing with loss, you may not feel very sociable. But your support system can bring you solace. It provides people who will listen to you without judgment and even the opportunity to reminisce about your loss. Supportive family and friends can also provide a distraction from your pain. Taking breaks from your sorrow is an essential ingredient in overcoming grief. Professional help, such as grief counseling in Michigan, can also provide you valuable support.
  4. Try not to obsess. When you experience loss, your mind can become a broken record. It may try to convince you that you’ll never be able to move on. You may ruminate about unlikely, distressing scenarios. If you find yourself obsessing, try a thought-stopping technique. Allow yourself 15 minutes each day to obsess. At the end of 15 minutes, snap your fingers, or say ‘stop’ out loud. Outside of those 15 minutes, when you catch yourself obsessing or thinking negatively, immediately snap your fingers and get back to your day. If you need help overcoming obsessive thoughts, grief counseling in Michigan can help you resolve your negative thinking.
  5. Allow yourself to feel happiness. When dealing with loss, particularly of a loved one, you may find it difficult to experience pleasure or feel guilty when you do. But experiencing joy and happiness is crucial to overcoming grief. So find at least a couple of ways to experience happiness each day. Take a walk in the park, watch your favorite sitcom or a funny video, listen to some upbeat music, or do something fun with a friend. Gradually, you’ll become more comfortable with experiencing happiness, which will help you in overcoming grief.

If you’d like to talk with a counselor, Landmark Therapy offers grief counseling in Michigan to anyone residing in the state. Counseling is available via online telehealth or at our Troy, Michigan counseling center. Give us a call today! (248) 931-0016

What Anxiety Looks Like for Men

Anxiety may look different from one man to another. So what are the signs?

Anxiety is the most common type of mental illness in men. The reality is, a lot of men all over the world have anxiety these days. The statistics shows that up to 20% of men suffer from anxiety disorders during their lifetime. And of course, psychologists are deeply concerned about these numbers.

It’s important to know that men and women deal with anxiety attacks differently. Anxiety can cause different symptoms in men. Men feel nervous, have sleep disorders, experience headaches or worry a lot when they suffer from intense anxiety attacks. However, there are also other signs of anxiety in men. Anxious men may experience muscle aches. Anxiety symptoms in men also include alcohol and drug abuse. Oftentimes, anxiety disorders in men result in anger. It’s important to note that anxious men often express anger over insignificant things.

It goes without saying that anxiety always has to be taken seriously. If left untreated, anxiety can make things even worse. In the worst case scenario, anxiety can even result in suicide. Recent studies have found that there is the link between anxiety disorders and suicide attempts. According to the opinion of the famous psychology professor from Harvard, Matthew K. Nock, anxiety disorders are a big problem for panicky people. When facing difficult situations in their life such individuals usually try to escape instead of trying to find the way to deal with hard times.

Another well-known professor of psychology, Michael Addis, points out that the vast majority of anxious men choose not to seek for medical help when dealing with tough situations in their life. The problem is that men tend to consider getting this type of assistance as weakness. As a result, men with anxiety disorders don’t contact mental health professionals for help and, therefore, they don’t get the necessary treatment for their issues. If this happens, things will most likely get worse. However, men usually agree to receive a treatment for anxiety when they face a work crisis.

The big question is – how to convince a man to get a treatment for anxiety? The psychology professor, Dean McKay, says that it’s not a good idea to use ultimatums for this purpose. The professors say that ultimatums are likely to result in the resistance to treatment. He recommends loved ones to tell anxious men that the quality of their life will improve dramatically after treatment. It’s incredibly important to explain men with mental disorders that anxiety has a huge negative impact on the quality of their life. Also, you need to show an anxious man that you take care of him.

Actually, it’s normal for people to feel anxious or nervous. However, things are likely to go wrong if a person can’t keep the situation under control. Anxiety often goes hand in hand with depression. It’s worth noting that anxiety disorders as well as depression negatively affect the entire people’s life (family life, relationships, work and many other aspects).

Anxiety disorders can be effectively treated. Treatment for anxiety is about changing the way of thinking and taking antidepressants. Medications such as Lexapro and Prozac are widely used for anxiety treatment these days. Using the words like “anxiety” and “depression” should be avoided during the treatment process. It also makes a lot of sense to replace the words like “treatment” and “therapy” with the words such as “coaching”, “performance improvement training” and so on. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy takes approximately 12 – 15 weeks.

Coping With Depression in Michigan

Coping with Depression in Michigan

Do feel down from time to time? Are feelings of hopelessness and guilt interfering with your daily functioning? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be experiencing depression. Feeling down every now and then is a common experience for most people. However, when negative emotions such as irritability and despair take hold, it can become debilitating. Continue reading “Coping With Depression in Michigan”

A Goal Achieved Is Something To Celebrate!

A Goal Achieved Is Something To Celebrate!

Setting goals can be a very empowering endeavor! They give you the control to guide your life in whatever direction desired. It is a great feeling to know that your success does not have to depend on anyone else. You can take command of your life by following a plan and taking action one step at a time. Continue reading “A Goal Achieved Is Something To Celebrate!”